Case Studies
Community Health Provider - EPRR
NHS Emergency Preparedness, Resilience & Response
Applied Resilience partners with a large Community Care provider delivering community health services for adults, children and their families. Applied Resilience are commissioned to to support with meeting their duties under the relevant legislation, guidelines and best practice on Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR), and to provide ongoing advice and support to help them deliver on their vision safely and effectively in the face of major disruptive events.
AR specifically supports by providing;
- Strategic advice on resilience matters, including an organisation wide resilience programme, as well as ad-hoc advice to Senior Managers as required;
- Development and implementation of resilience strategies, plans and other key documents;
- Support with representation on Local Resilience Forums and Local Health Resilience Partnerships and other key multi-agency groups;
- Development and delivery of emergency management and business continuity training and exercising;
- Emergency response advice and support.
AR offers continuity, with a member of the team always available, not limited to certain days of the week. We offer 24/7, 365 days a year emergency support. Our large network draws on learning from across authorities, as well as other parts of our business delivery, to offer truly bespoke and effective solutions, delivered efficiently.
Our numbers also mean we can attend multiple events/meetings at the same time, coordinating closely with our clients and partners to help break down silos and join up planning and response.
Our contract structures also allow regular review, with the option of increasing/reducing hours, or even bringing the service back in house in a planned, manageable way.